Interview with A College Basketball Player
Episode 8
The Halal Hustle Podcast

On this episode we share an interview with a College Basketball Player about to graduate from his school program. We dive into how he got to playing basketball at such a high level and what happens once he graduates. He shares some of the challenges of being a student athlete and his plan to continue to grow with his passion for the sport while still taking the next step in his life. We strive to share positive stories, tools, and resources for Muslims pursuing a Halal venture A.K.A. 'The Halal Hustle'.
Show Notes
InshaAllah we will always try our best to share the sources for what is discussed during the episode. Please find the sources below.
@ time: 00:00
Surprising Facts About Being a College Athlete
- Sources:
- Article
@ time: 00:00
- OPENING CLIP - I was always a guy within basketball that always, like would help people figure out, lik you know what I mean like just little things... figure out, try to push peoples dreams further. [Applause].
- Sources:
- Sharmarke Mohamed - Audio Transcription
@ time: 00:17
- PODCAST INTRO - Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh. Welcome to 'The Halal Hustle' where we talk about Halal Business, Halal Entrepreneurship, and share stories about Halal Hustlers who are striving towards their place with Allah in the Here-after, by taking the 'Means' in this Dunya.
- Sources:
- Jamal Ahmed - Audio Transcription
@ time: 00:33
- EPISODE OUTLINE - In shaa Allah on this episode I share with you an interview that I had with a 'Halal Baller' a 'Halal Shot-Caller', this brother right here plays ball at a very high level while maintaining his studies and pursuing his goals. Maa shaa Allah this brother he's someone that I grew up with, always gonna be close, family ties all that and a bag of chips alhamdulillah. In this interview we go through his story, how he came up in the game of basketball as a Muslim and how he's had to maintain himself as a student while pursuing this sport. Additionally we go through the state of affairs with regards to North American basketball and how although there's so many Muslim ballers you know so many Hooper hopefuls... Everyone wants to make it to the NBA or in any sport play professionally but what's the process. We talk about that a little bit and we also talk about In shaa Allah what he's gonna do next. What happens after he finishes his athletic career. What's the next step this is a dope interview and Alhamdulillah I think it's really relevant. I hope it's relevant to you and I know for myself... I was a hopeful you know I played ball and I Alhamdulilah it taught me discipline, I benefited from it athletically, and mentally it was a great relief for me, and I love it to this day. I'm always gonna be a big fan of sports and competition in general In shaa Allah I'm a big fan of this brother, always gonna be a big fan of this brother and by the end of it you might be too without further ado bismillah here's the interview. [Applause] .
- Sources:
- Jamal Ahmed - Audio Transcription
@ time: 02:25
- INTERVIEW - 02:25 Jamal: Assalaamu Alaykum my brother man from way back childhood, welcome to The Halal Hustle man! Thanks for coming on. 02:33 Sharmarke: No problem Wa Alaykum Assalaam man, good to hear from you again man. 02:35 Jamal: Alhamdulilah man, its been a minute! 02:38 Sharmarke: For sure. 02:39 Jamal: So you're coming on in order to talk about what it's like to be a student athlete, what it's like to be in the dream life. The sports game. 02:48 Sharmarke: Yeah. 02:49 Jamal: How did you get into it? let's start, let's go way back. How did you start playing basketball? 02:55 Sharmarke: Playing basketball... started from young honestly. Just watching the game you what I mean just I remember from when I used to live in America used to see you know Kobe Bryant on the Lakers, and that was my favorite team, the Lakers... You know just in a loss of like just in a huge WOW kind of thing. 03:14 Jamal: Yeah yeah. The Black Mamba! He was real. 03:15 Sharmarke: Yeah exactly! So you know I saw that and then you know as a kid just playing around here and there and then eventually it just started getting more competitive. Where it was like towards... When I started playing competitive was like in grade 9, like really competitive you know, like playing high school basketball and club. 03:33 Jamal: yeah yeah. 03:34 Sharmarke: And from there it just took off. 03:39 Jamal: Alright, Alhamdulilah. So... like me and you we grew up and Alhamdulilah for a short period of time yo we were around the same size, like you weren't that much taller than me. [laughter] 03:49 Sharmarke: yeah, yeah yeah. 03:50 Jamal: But Alhamdulilah you know... barakallahu feek. You grew up... I grew slower. [laughter]. And what was it. like was it the growth spurt? Was it the fact that you were you know kind of towering over a lot of brothers out here that made you believe that you know you could play at a higher level? 04:08 Sharmarke: yeah for sure. Definitely height played a factor into it. Obviously that's a big advantage in the game right? 04:14 Jamal: Yeah yeah 04:15 Sharmarke: Everyone's always saying just play basketball play basketball you have the height first off. I just ran with it. 04:20 Jamal: Alhamdulilah. So when was that? Was that around grade 9 as well. 04:26 Sharmarke: Yeah cuz that's when I was like... I started to get a little. Like I think I was like 6 feet in grade 9. 04:32 Jamal: ok. 04:33 Sharmarke: 6'1 04:34 Jamal: okay Alhamdulillah. okay and then you said you started in grade 9 and you started playing like club and team. 04:37 Sharmarke: Yeah. 04:38 Jamal: What was the... Which one came first? was it like you started playing club or you tried out for the school team school? 04:44 Sharmarke: School team 04:45 Jamal: Okay, and how did it work? How'd you get into club basketball. 04:51 Sharmarke: Well club basketball... just cause my teammates at high school they playrf club and they just told me kinda just come play with us you know I mean, and I just ended up playing with them. 04:59 Jamal: Ahhh, okay Alhamdulillah man that's actually dope because the thing that I've been wondering because I was like coaching you know like youth and stuff was always the value of club ball and I know now the value but could you speak to it? What did you get from playing it? 05:15 Sharmarke: A big thing is definitely the discipline aspect of it. You're playing club which is on top of being in school which means you have practice during the week and which means you'll have some weekends where you have to go away right. So it's all about balance kinda started off from early age. 05:33 Jamal: mm-hmm. 05:35 Sharmarke: and having that discipline to be able to balance both your academics and your sport. 05:41 Jamal: Okay Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah and then did you ever get the opportunity to play at a you know a provincial level or I guess like U.S. listeners you know state and or like on a national kind of thing like stage. 05:55 Sharmarke: No, honestly I never really got that far. I never really played at that high of a level. 06:00 Jamal: Yeah. 06:02 Sharmarke: But I got the opportunity to play with a lot of players that have got to that level or play against them so it was interesting to do that. 06:08 Jamal: Man! For real I know it was always an opportunity like and I loved it and I got like real competitive when I would get the chance to play with anyone who was playing like who played for the provincial team or high school just like pick up runs or even like uni ball and I was like oh alright Imma measure myself right now. 06:27 Sharmarke: Exactly! 06:28 Jamal: You know but I know like I've seen the debate where some people say that it's really expensive and it's a cool opportunity but it's more like it's not the highest level of competition. 06:41 Sharmarke: Yeah. 06:42 Jamal: They were saying like you know club ball depending on what club and what tournaments you go to it's good. That's when you're gonna get a lot of exposure. They were saying you know like there are tournaments in like Las Vegas or you know certain parts of the states and even in Canada where it's intense. 06:54 Sharmarke: Yeah. No, you're right. That's especially when you gotta... that was kind of the wave but especially being from Canada, going to or getting to America and going to high school there because the program basketball game was big there when I was in high school. Of course now its getting bigger in Canada because of all the Canadians we have now. But yeah you're right that was the wave like you've got a go to the states(U.S.A.), go tournaments in Las Vegas go to tournaments in the states (U.S.A.). Just get more exposure. 07:21 Jamal: Yeah for real it's crazy right now in the NBA. We got, yeah Andrew Wiggins, Jamal Murray, now RJ Barrett is coming up. Its wild. 07:27 Sharmarke: Yeah, Canadians... they're coming up. 07:31 Jamal: Yeah Toronto, all of them. 07:34 Sharmarke: Yeah! exactly, yeah. [laughter]. 07:34 Jamal: Yo prospects are good for you then [laughter]. 07:38 Sharmarke: Yeah! exactly, [laughter]. 07:39 Jamal: In shaa Allah. Alright so you played in high school and this is where I think there's a huge gap in you know understanding of like what the process is like but you played in high school how is it that you go to take it to the next level right which is like you know playing in college and like post-secondary and stuff? 07:57 Sharmarke: Well, honestly its just about having... there's two things, how to go about it. You know being a player that can like get recruited where like you're not really having to do really too much work. 08:12 Jamal: Yeah. 08:13 Sharmarke: Where your coach helps you in getting to the schools or being a player that reaches out to coaches to ask to pay for their team. 08:20 Jamal: Okay. 08:21 Sharmarke: So I was that type of player. Like coming out of high school I got recruited by a couple of schools but then I took time off after high school. So I didn't do anything after high school, after I graduated basically. 08:30 Jamal: Yeah, yeah. 08:33 Sharmarke: Then that's when I reached out to schools because I was kind of out loop. 08:36 Jamal: mm-hmm. 08:37 Sharmarke: So i reached out to schools and I reached out to a team and then eventually I played for the team. 08:42 Jamal: Okay Alhamdulillah and then within that process of like reaching out to the teams and stuff there's actual like varsity try-outs right? 08:51 Sharmarke: Yeah. 08:52 Jamal: I think that's the thing that uh... At least it surprised me because you know my hoop dreams they died pretty early on but I when I was at uh you know college and university I would go and I would see that there'd be walk-ons that will come on and I still had a whole bunch of friends that were ballers. So they'd tell me their stories. Is that real? Like how often does someone come to tryouts and they make the team. 09:15 Sharmarke: No, that's definitely real. Like I've... it happens with my team. A couple guys that tried out and walked on. A lot of other teams that I know of there are walk-ons that try-out and come on like there's always an opportunity because when you're recruiting as a coach like you don't have... Sometimes you don't have your full team. There might be that one guy that you can use from tryouts that will help your... You know, build your team. That missing piece your're missing or maybe it's a project player that for the next year you can use him. So there's always an opportunity for walk-ons to be on a team. 09:42 Jamal: Ahhh okay that's fair. So I'm curious right, like again, I said I know you know some like ball players and stuff but describe a day in your life you know as a student-athlete in post-secondary. What's that like for you? 09:57 Sharmarke: Ahhh, Well you got your early morning classes. Your 8:30 AM 8:30 then you got class throughout the day and then you have either practice late at night or you got basically a lift earlier in the day. So basically have practice from Monday to Friday almost and then games on weekends. 10:19 Jamal: SubhanAllah. 10:19 Sharmarke: Yeah, its non-stop. 10:22 Jamal: That's real, and you know just piggybacking the whole discussion in the States about the NCAA... You ain't getting paid right!? [Laughter]. 10:29 Sharmarke: Yeah, exactly... Nah 10:30 Jamal: It's tough, SubhanAllah. 10:33 Sharmarke: Yeah... Yeah it's hard, it's hard for sure cuz you got a, you know wake in the morning for class. You gotta go to practices at maybe 7 to 9 maybe at night or 5 to 7 at night and then you gotta wake up next morning for class. So its like its draining on the body and its draining mentaly right but its just a different mindset of being a student athlete I guess you have to have. 10:53 Jamal: Nah, for sure, for sure... Do you get some... at least some understanding from your teachers and stuff. 11:00 Sharmarke: Oh yeah for like, you get a little bit of leeway but not like... nothing too crazy. Like obviously they're not gonna put you on a pedastool just because you're an athlete. They understand like for example, like if you have to leave on a Friday for a game and you have class on the Friday... they'll understand and they'll give you some leeway there but nothing like missing class next morning because you have practice the previous night. Nothing like that. 11:22 Jamal: Yeah, yeah. [laughter]. 11:25 Sharmarke: But for the most part, yeah... Understanding for significant things like a game. 11:31 Jamal: Yeah, yeah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulilah. All right so... I gotta ask like where are you at cuz if I'm not mistaken there's a limit to how much you could play as a student-athlete like there's a certain amount of years that you could play on a team or... 11:46 Sharmarke: Yeah, its five years. 11:47 Jamal: Five years. Okay, so where are you at on that? 11:50 Sharmarke: It's my fourth year. 11:51 Jamal: Ok, ok. So have you thought about like what's the exit now? What's gonna happen next In shaa Allah? 11:57 Sharmarke: This is my last year. I'm done. Because even though I have another year left to play I'm done. Because I'm done school so I want to move onto the next chapter. 12:06 Jamal: Alhamdulillah. Yeah for sure. definitely. and so could you speak on that? Like what is it that's the next step for you, the next chapter? In shaa Allah. 12:17 Sharmarke: In shaa Allah, so the next chapter for me is honesty... You know finish my schoolling beacuse right now I'm in college so I'm gonna go finish my degree. 12:26 Jamal: In shaa Allah. 12:27 Sharmarke: And then so I can... Basically my goal is in shaa Allah is to be an NBA agent / FIBA agent. 12:35 Jamal: Aye! OK! 12:38 Sharmarke: Yeah. you know what I mean. So be the next Rich Paul. [laughter] Yeah, seriously. 12:41 Jamal: Ayeee! Clutch Sports! Clutch Sports! For those of you who are listening that don't know who Rich Paul is... He's the agent of 'The LeBron James'. You know, orchestrating the Anthony Davis to LA trade and whatnot. [laughter]. 12:55 Sharmarke: Yep. Yep, hope it happens. We need AD in LA man. [laughter]. 13:00 Jamal: Their looking sorry without him right now. 13:03 Sharmarke: Yeah, their looking very sorry. 13:04 Jamal: But yo, I'm a Lonzo fan. So I think he's a big factor in that don't trade him. 13:10 Sharmarke: Trust me, don't trade him. We cannot trade him. 13:11 Jamal: For real, for real. 13:14 Sharmarke: But I don't know its going to be hard though. 13:15 Jamal: So have you looked into it? So what is it at least typically, what's the process to become a Rich Paul or something like that? 13:25 Sharmarke: Well to be an agent you basically... Well you need a degree now, for the NBA you need a degree. FIBA you don't need a degree. I'm pretty sure but the NBA you need a degree because you need it to be able to write an exam. 13:36 Jamal: Okay. 13:37 Sharmarke: And once you write the exam, then you're a certified quote-unquote NBA agent. 13:41 Jamal: Okay. 13:42 Sharmarke: And then you have to I think in certain amount or like timeframe where you have to be representing a player. And for FIBA there's an exam as well but you don't need a degree. 13:53 Jamal: Okay. 13:54 Sharmarke: Yeah, so that's basically where I'm at. So right now I'm just trying to get the degree and then write the exam. And then start like you know the recruitment process. 14:00 Jamal: What do you mean by like there's a time frame? So you have to get a player that you're representing in a certain time frame? 14:06 Sharmarke: Yeah like... Yeah exactly so that you... if you're let's say your agent so that you complete the exam and be a certified agent within the year. I think, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to get a player. If you're an agent you complete the exam after a year... because you need to renew your license. You what I mean. 14:21 Jamal: Yeah, yeah. 14:22 Sharmarke: Licensing... so you need to be having a player after the year. sorry. 14:29 Jamal: Oh okay. in shaa Allah in shaa Allah. And you know like to that point... You already have alhamdulillah a bit of a network in place that would help with that right? younger kids that play either D1 or Canadian gonna pay either d1 or canadian university. 14:48 Jamal: Yeah, yeah. 14:50 Sharmarke: Just knowing that, okay they either want to go depending on where... How talented of a player they are... If they want to take the Europe route or there're some that might want to take the G-League grow route or there might be some that want to actually try the NBA route. So thats all that... 15:06 Jamal: Okay in shaa Allah. So I'm just trying to you know like get a full picture here. When you're an agent of a player right... 15:16 Sharmarke: Yeah... 15:17 Jamal: How much do you actually have to move with them? So like let's say if they go to Europe - are you moving to Europe too? Is that what goes down? 15:25 Sharmarke: You can work wherever you're working from. Like obviously depending on like where you're situated like obviously you want to be working out of there but like of course you want to go to Europe just to see how they're doing. Trips just to go where they're at but you don't have to move all over depending on the player. 15:40 Jamal: Oh Alhamdulillah thats blessed. 15:42 Sharmarke: Work, kinda wherever you're based out of. 15:44 Jamal: Right, right, right, right. Okay. Alright. Alhamdulillah. So I know the name but what do people need to be watching out. What's the name because Rich Paul has Clutch Sports... What do you got? [laughter] 15:56 Sharmarke: Yeah... [laughter]. My agency In shaa Allah... Risk It All. Man! There're no chances you're 100% right! You gotta risk it all to get to the top. 16:12 Jamal: That's dope man. That's dope. In shaa Allah. Alright man, I don't want to keep you for too long. You already drops some gems, I learned a lot. Alhamdulillah. but why... Why? I gotta know why did you choose this hustle? why are you pursuing this? 16:28 Sharmarke: Okay so like my passion is basketball and of course... Yeah we all have childhood dreams and that people that play the game make the NBA and all this stuff... but like I was always a guy within basketball that always like would help people figure out... like you what I mean. Just little things... You know what I mean. Just figure out... Trying to push people's dreams to go further. You know I mean. So I feel like this is a way where I could still be a part of the game and push people to actually acheive what they want to acheive. 16:55 Jamal: Alhamdulillah. That's dope. That's dope. I think it's uh... That's great like looking at it cuz I don't know any Muslim agents and I'm sure there are. 17:04 Sharmarke: Yeah. 17:05 Jamal: But... you know it's... There's a whole bunch of Muslim top athletes... not a lot of you know agents or people that are looking out for them and dealing with them in like a Halal way. 17:16 Sharmarke: Yeah. 17:17 Jamal: So for sure that'd be blessed. In shaa Allah I know... you know... me and you cuz of our relationship we're gonna be doing some stuff in the future in shaa Allah. 17:25 Sharmarke: Yeah. one hundred percent. In shaa Allah man. 17:27 Jamal: That's dope. All right, last question I got to ask you... You know we talked about the hustle that everyone knows but I want to know... you know for everyone that's listening regardless of what hustle you do there's always a hidden hustle. As we're Muslims there's always something that we're working on improving on ourselves for the sake of Allah. Could you share what's your hidden hustle? 17:45 Sharmarke: My hidden Halal Hustle is... No matter, from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed... Is always remembering Allah you know. Always remembering you know... Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Whatever chance I have. If its not dhikr, you know making dhikr... If it's looking outside and seeing the trees and saying 'wow! Look what Allah created'. Just always remembering no matter what I do, you know what I mean. If I make a mistake you know... make tawbah. You know saying astagfirullah. Just always remembering. Always remembering Allah. That's my hidden hustle. 18:25 Jamal: Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Man I need to improve on that myself... Alhamdulillah. In shaa Allah. 18:30 Sharmarke: Me too! I improve that as well. 18:32 Jamal: In shaa Allah. In shaa Allah for sure. All right man with that being said you know I'd love to have you back on and... 18:38 Sharmarke: For sure man. 18:40 Jamal: I'll be honest I'll get you back on! Like there's not a question [laughter]. 18:41 Sharmarke: Okay. Yeah keep going man. 18:44 Jamal: Yeah for sure. For sure... And you know in shaa Allah we're gonna be working together behind the scenes but jazakAllah khair I really appreciate you coming on. 18:51 Sharmarke: Wa iyak man. No problem. Anytime. The Halal Hustle lets get it! 18:55 Jamal: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Assalaamu Alaykum! 18:57 Sharmarke: Wa Alaykum Assalaam man.
- Sources:
- Jamal Ahmed - Audio Transcription
- Sharmarke Mohamed - Audio Transcription
@ time: 19:00
- CLOSING REMARKS - So there you have it. An interview with a college ballplayer and future sports agent in shaa Allah. Alhamdulillah it was dope. You know he's really tight on time so we couldn't go into as much depth as I wanted but Alhamdulillah. You know he'll be back in the future but I did want to highlight a few key points. You know from talking to him and the takeaways for your hustle. 19:25 Jamal: The first one is... You got to balance multiple hustles. You know it's getting rarer and rarer in this day and age for you to do just one thing and for that one thing to work for the rest of your life. Most of the times you have to balance a plethora of things. You know like you got to juggle a bunch of stuff at the same time just like how he had to do from a young age playing ball and being a student and studying and stuff. 19:53 Jamal: The second point to highlight is that you always benefit by starting early. The earlier you start, the better off you are and it's just been proven in life. You look at athletes when they actually do get signed if they get signed it's a big gamble but they get pretty good contracts to do something that they love. Likewise, Bill Gates who you know... He started programming and built his first computer game around like maybe 10, 11 years old. When he started Microsoft in his mid-20s... payouts have been great for him and so it's just a testament to when you start early, things go well. If you haven't started yet well it's not too late that's never the case. As as soon as you start you're always starting early. Right, you're starting as early as possible for your current situation. 20:52 Jamal: and the last point is planning long-term and the only way you can really plan long-term is by doing what you love. The reason why basketball players or football... American or worldwide football, whatever sport it is the reason why athletes can do it and practice it and commit to it, is because they love it. For the most part. It's hard for a 5 year old kid or an 8 year old kid to continuously practice their jump shot in basketball when they hate basketball. It's just not going to happen. Likewise anything that you do or anything that you see a child be very successful in... they're usually really passionate about it. And so for them the passion leads to them planning to do it long term. And that's what we have to do with our hustles is that we have to try and leverage what we are passionate about in order to help us plan long term because when you're passionate about something you could see yourself doing it long term in the future. 21:57 Jamal: So... I always want to make it , here's my example. So I'm going to work backwards. One the thing that I'm passionate about is... I want to help Muslims I see a lot of problems in the Muslim community and I see a lot of problems within our Ummah and I don't want to be someone that just complains. I want to be someone that tries to create positive solutions that are acceptable and don't conflict with anything and our just good all around. In shaa Allah that's my hope. That being said, where's the money in that? How can I live off of that? I don't really know but I do know I have a passion to try and help and make things better and I want to be the best person that I could be within the you know the framework of what Allah and Islam has deemed you know to be the best. So my long-term goal is to provide means and tools and resources that help Muslims do positive things regardless of their circumstances or where they're coming. That's my passion and that's my long-term goal but I didn't really start off early the nice route would have been that I started studying Deen (religion) early. I you know studied at Islamic universities and stuff and gained knowledge as well as a variety of skill sets and I'm able to do a whole bunch of you know positive stuff but Alhamdullilah I'm starting now and it's early for me because it's now. Right, if I started it two years later that would have been late compared to right now so right now it's early Alhamdulillah. Finally, you know I'm balancing a whole bunch of hustles this isn't my only thing that I'm doing and I started this because I want to do this long-term but I'm also doing web development. I'm also you know doing whatever else I can in terms of taking the means and providing for myself and my family. There's lots of things that I want to do and there's lots of things that I'm passionate about but... You know you don't just get to start off doing them that's a luxury for the rich. that's a luxury for those that have been blessed with a lot and Alhamdulillah I've been blessed with a whole bunch it's just that you know I'm still not at the point where I've been blessed and I'm able to do one thing that I'm super passionate about and not have to worry about anything else. In shaa Allah maybe I'll get there one day maybe I won't but for now I want to keep doing what I love doing and so I'm going to juggle a whole bunch of things to you know enable myself or put me in a position to be able to do that. So just like the brother is doing something that's really interesting and not many Muslims do it's not a normal thing I'm sure there's a whole bunch of projects and ideas and things out there that you could do as well. I'm working on my thing... In shaa Allah I'm sure you could work on yours and just one kind of cool point to leave with is that there's two kinds of creativity one is a boundless one where there's no limitations and you could think of whatever it is that you want the limitations are only those constructed in your mind. The other one is the one that's the most practical and I love it and that's creativity within limitations. Creativity within boundaries. You know you're given a certain amount of sticks build a house. That's the situation that we're in. Alhamdulillah the limitations and the boundaries are you know what Allah has legislated to be okay and what's not okay. But the creativity then falls in, well what can you do within that. Turkey bacon that dope. Alhamdulillah. I'm not a big fan of bacon but it's cool that I got to try it because of turkey bacon. I guess... But that's the idea. So In shaa Allah find your turkey bacon. I'm trying to find mine and learn how to cook it and all of that.
- Sources:
- Jamal Ahmed - Audio Transcription
@ time: 25:49
- EPISODE OUTRO - In shaa Allah this episode and this interview like all others was a benefit and not a harm that's the hope. For any concerns you could email us at and for more information you can check out the show notes for this episode If you want to message us, follow us, or you know see our updates... Be sure to check out our twitter and instagram using the handle at _thehalalhustle . It's been a pleasure Alhamdulillah. I'm thankful and I'm really appreciative of all the support that we've been getting and stay tuned we got some interesting stuff coming and for sure we will continue to strive to make it beneficial and helpful and relative. Until next time, jazakAllah khair. Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh.
- Sources:
- Jamal Ahmed - Audio Transcription
Please note that that all information related to Islam in this podcast is intended to be without a position. Although we strive to provide factual information (from the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ) that is taken from an authentic source, we are not scholars nor students of knowledge. Therefore, please understand that our mistakes are not intentional. We are not a valid source for finality regarding any matters pertaining to Islam.