Who We Are
Well right now it is just me (Jamal 'J8' Ahmed ), but as we grow by Allah's Will (inshaAllah) it will become 'we'. The intention of this site is to provide positive practical information and resources for Muslims trying to improve their situation in the hereafter and this dunya. We strive to provide practical examples and applications of simple acts of worship by sharing tools and stories from real everyday Muslims. We know that there are a lot of challenges facing Muslims growing up in any country. So we hope to be a positive outlet providing practical examples of Muslims utilizing halal solutions when approaching these challenges. By Allah's Will (inshaAllah) we hope that this site and our work can provide a positive outlet where Muslims can learn about how other Muslims have hustled to better their own situations when faced with challenges. To put it simply we hope to effectively resource share so it is easier for our brothers and sisters in Islam to succeed without repeatedly falling victim to the same traps and pitfalls. We gotta look out for each other!
I am a young Muslim man that grew up in North America. I grew up heavily influenced by T.V., Movies, and Video Games. I loved super heroes and fictional characters because they accomplished great things against all odds when it seemed impossible. However, as I grew up I learned that REAL Muslims have also accomplished great things against all odds but their stories are far less accessible. So I went looking for great practical stories exemplifying what Muslims can do while practicing Islam. The Halal Hustle is about sharing their stories, their Halal Hustles' to inspire and help Muslims today that have a bit of a disconnect (like I did) with how dope (amazing) some Muslims actually are in their Halal Hustle.